I will not lull you to sleep by a catalogue of all my physical education, schooling, training, internships, bodybuilding competitions, nominations, and titles. You will access all this data after my introduction to you.
In Provence, in this land of enchantment and dreams, in the city of Arles where Vincent Van Gogh finished 187 paintings, I was born and raised. If painting had been my passion, I would have remained in that golden city and executed magnificent landscapes inspired by our resident painter, but painting was not my calling. What enthralled me most was the human body, its miraculous anatomy and spectacular morphology.

The spark of inspiration that altered my life at the root level was my visit to the only gym in town, “Arena Gym” in my town of Arles in May 1983. Several posters of men in bodybuilding competition poses illustrated the wall of the exercise room. It is at that moment I realized how the body could be transformed into a work of art that could rival the colorful painting of that impressionist.
I was a very skinny kid, with a small stature and a victim of cruel classmates. Designing a new body became my ambition and my vocation. I became a regular visitor to this body workshop and laboratory. Within a few years I had achieved a physique and knowledge of musculature that placed me in a special category. I realized then that to further my education I had to go to the New World, NEW YORK to enhance my knowledge and train with masters.
On an icy day of January 15, 1989 American Airline flight #65 landed at JFK airport.
An Inspirational Trainer
Jean-François is a superb Personal Trainer, certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM-CPT, CES, SFS, YES, PBC).
Jean-François is a Postural Alignment Specialist (PAS) taught by the principles of the Egoscue Method of postural therapy and certified by the Egoscue University. In addition Jean-François is a certified NASM Nutrition Coach and can provide guidance in helping you achieve positive behavioral changes toward diet and nutrition.
Jean-François is extraordinarily dedicated to his clients and his profession. He possesses the rare ability to motivate his clients to meet their goals and build confidence through a combination of training and education. He has a talent for inspiring his clients not only to succeed but also to surpass their training goals, while making the process enjoyable, yet efficient. As a result, his clients learn to feel more confident about themselves and their bodies.
A Competitive, Natural Bodybuilder and Personal Trainer
He earned prestigious Bodybuilding and Fitness titles in several events:
1987 Grand Prix de Vauvert and “Demi-Final des Championats de France, placed 5th and 4th respectively.
1990 Seminole Classic Bodybuilding Championships, Orlando Florida, 2nd place.
1992-1995 Personal Trainer at the New York Health&Racquet Club.
1995-1997 Personal Trainer and Tour Assistant Manager to the rock band, “FOREIGNER”, travelling with them around the world.
1997-Present- “Body By Jean-François” New York City.
1997 National Gym Association Natural Body Building Championship placed 5th and the Mr. Fitness competition 2nd place.
1998 NGA North East America Championships, 5th place.
1999 Hercules champion won 1st place.
1999 North America Naturalmania Championships, 3rd place.
2000 INBF Naturalmania North America Championships,1st Place.
2000 Competed at the WNBF WORLD Championships in Atlantic City.
2002 Competed at the WNBF WORLD Championships in Atlantic City.
2004 and 2006: Musclemania competitions, 8th place.
2009 INBF Natural New York States Bodybuilding Championships Open-Light-Heavyweight 5th Place and Master Over 40, placed 3rd.
2009 Hercules Championships Master Over 40, 2nd place.
2012 NPC Open Class Physique division, 8th place.
2013 Hercules Championships Master over 40, 2nd place.
2013 Naturalmania Championship, placed 3rd in the Mr. Fitness class, 4th in the Light Heavy weight Open class, and won 1st place of the Masters Overall 40 + class.
2016 WNBF Pro Masters America over 50 (5th place).
2017 INBF HERCULES-WNBF Pro Masters over 50,1st place.
2018 WNBF Monster Mash Pro Masters over 50 and 40, placed 1st and 3rd respectively.
2019 OCB Big Apple Show in the Classic Physique Category.
The Masters over 40, the Masters over 50 and the open class as well, placed 1st, 1st and 2nd respectively.